
Alejandra Vila de Rivera Alejandra Vila de Rivera

How to Keep my Laundry Room Minimalistic and ECO-FRIENDLY?

I have heard so many times doing laundry is not most people’s favorite thing to do, although I know some people that can simply fold it while watching TV and they are pretty chill about it. To me this part is actually UGH! and it feels even less attractive if your laundry room is a mess.

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Alejandra Vila de Rivera Alejandra Vila de Rivera

Creative ideas for small bedrooms

Living in small spaces does not have to be uncomfortable or messy if we learn how to organize, storage and decorate them properly accordingly to its dimensions and potential. Getting creative while adequating different areas of the room can actually turn into a very fun process. With these ideas I am looking to inspire your organizational skills and stimulate your creativity to take advantage of your small room with the right furniture, storage solutions and even the amount of light it gets.

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